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Understanding the “grandparent scam”

Deception is a key element in fraud, but what allows the deception to seem real is how fraudsters use our emotions against us. Human emotions are very powerful and when certain emotions are triggered, it can cloud our decision making. A type of fra...

Emotions – The cornerstone of fraud

In every attempted scam, deception is the key attribute. Fraudsters employ tactics to make individuals feel comfortable, feel the need to disclose information or take some sort of action. Playing on emotions is used in almost every scam and is anoth...

12 scams of the holiday season

As online shopping increases, it’s important to be aware of cyber fraud during the holiday season. Scams that target holiday shoppers often rely on fake websites that mimic real online stores, offers that appear too good to be true, bonus gift cards...

The importance of strong passwords

We all have several online accounts and use passwords every day to access them.  If a cyber criminal gets access to your account they will take over that account then look for more accounts they can get into.  Passwords are an important first step i...

How to identify phishing or smishing

Education and awareness is the first line of defense against fraud and scam attempts. One of the most common types of scam attempts we all face is phishing.   Phishing can come in the form of email, text messages - known as smishing, phone calls - kn...

Do you suspect fraud? What to do next

I am suspicious – what should I do? The good news is you are suspicious and therefore taking a moment to think about what is happening. It is always better to be cautious and think about the situation through a logical lens.  This helps by changing ...

What does fraud look like?

Since fraudsters are so innovative, there are many different types of scams that exist and the list is always growing. With all the different scams in today’s digital world, there are 4 main types to be aware of: Email scams (e.g.: Phishing) – This ...

How to identify fraud

What is fraud? So what do we mean when we say “fraud”?  Fraud is any activity that relies on deception to realize a gain. More specifically and what we usually talk about is fraud from a criminal perspective which is when someone knowingly misrepres...

Protecting your kids online

The internet has transformed how we interact, shop, and find entertainment.  Instant global connections, vast information access, and online gaming have become commonplace.   However, along with these advantages, come risks.  Cybercriminals seek dat...